"William A. and Anna Petersen lived across the street from Ford's Theater in a plain red brick three-story and basement townhouse that Petersen constructed in 1849. William Petersen was a German immigrant tailor born in Hanover in 1810. His wife, Anna, was from Darmstadt. Julius Ulke, a German-American photographer, boarded there in the 1860's and took the historic photograph showing the room a few minutes after President Lincoln's body was removed from the bedroom where he died at 7:22 am on April 15, 1865. In 1878, a native Berliner, Louis Schade (1829–1903), another prominent "Forty-Eighter" who came to the United States in 1851, purchased the house at 516 Tenth Street NW from the Petersens' heirs. He published The Washington Sentinel from his home."
516 10th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20004
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